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Feb 2012

How To Weld Brass

Brass, an alloy of copper and zinc, is a highly useful metal that has many applications in both the commercial and personal industries. It is, however, a difficult metal to weld as copper and zinc have very different melting points (zincs is much lower). This can be off-putting to many people but, by following these easy instructions, you will find welding brass a breeze.

Feb 2012

What Is Scrap Metal Theft?

Whilst the phrase 'scrap metal theft' is one that is quite often tossed around, there may be people around who don't know what exactly it is referring to. Sure, it has something to do with people stealing old, dumped scrap – but is this all?

Feb 2012

How To Dispose Of Scrap In Australia

If you find yourself in possession of a lot of scrap in Australia that you want to get rid of, there are a number of options to do this without being forced to illegally dump the metal. There are council collection days and sites as well as the option of selling it, all of which are more environmentally friendly and considerate than illegal scrap dumping.
